MTHS Operation Snowball



What we’re about…

Who – Any MTHS student…

What/Why – Operation Snowball acts as a prevention (not therapy) program for youth (and the not-so-youth!) to offer a variety of resources on healthy lifestyles, leadership and communication skills, and an opportunity to meet other people in their communities who share the ideals of a drug-free life. Snowballs, as they are commonly referred to, usually happen over an entire weekend in the form of a lock-in. Typically there are speakers and presentations for people to listen to and interact with as well as discussion groups to process the information. And of course, there are plenty of fun activities for everyone to get involved with. When – MTHS Operation Snowball is always held on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend in January.
How – Watch the daily announcements or contact Mr. Grant if interested in participating or helping.


Slider is playing


Grant, Travis

Marchand, Pat