Skyward Parent Tutorials

The Skyward software program allows both students and parents to access important student records 24 hours a day.  Skyward allows you to . . .

♦ Check Grades

♦ Review Class Schedules

♦ Update Emergency Contact Information

♦ Schedule Parent/Teacher Conferences

♦ View Missing Class Assignments

 ♦ Receive Emergency School Messages

♦ Manage Food Service Accounts

 ♦ Report Student Absences


♦ Food Service Accounts – Manage your student’s food service account electronically.  View this tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to check your account balance and make payments.   Food Service Tutorial

♦ Schedule Teacher Conferences – Schedule a parent/teacher conference on-line.  Parent Teacher Conference Scheduling Tutorial

♦ Student Absence Reporting – Report your student’s school absence electronically.  Report Student Absence Tutorial


Please contact Mrs. Kimberley McCoy if you have any questions or difficulties utilizing Skyward.

Mrs. Kimberley McCoy
Skyward Manager
Business:  309-367-4151 x523